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5 Tips to Start Your Healthy Lifestyle Routine


I tried to avoid the freshman 15 in college, but...I lost the battle. When I was close to graduating college last spring, I knew that I had to get back on track. As of today I have lost close to 20 pounds and 12 inches off of my body, and I feel fantastic!

My name is Carolyn Marrone and I am a health and fitness coach. I have been coaching for about eight months now, but my passion for helping others and my interest in health and nutrition dates back much further.

In the hopes of inspiring you to reinvent yourself and create a happier, healthier, and more fulfilling life, here are my Top 5 Healthy Lifestyle Tips.

1. Meal prep is key.

If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.


Prepping your food in advance makes your week run a lot smoother in so many ways. First, there are no worries about what you are going to eat or cook for each meal. Second, it helps you to make healthier choices throughout the week. If you already have healthy, nutritional meals prepared, and healthy snacks packed with you on-the-go, you are much less likely to fall off track!

2. Read food labels.

Don’t believe the negative hype about fats and carbs.


When you read a food label, what’s the first thing you pay attention to? If you look at the fat content and the carbs, you're just like the rest of us. We’ve all heard it before: “Fats and carbs are bad for you.” However, fats and carbs are essential to every diet. What you should be paying attention to are the ingredients. I try to stick to foods that have all natural and organic ingredients.

For example, when I buy peanut butter, the only ingredients that should be listed are organic dry roasted peanuts and a little salt. Don’t fuel your body with chemicals and GMOs (genetically modified organisms), stick to whole foods. The less ingredients the label has, the better.

3. Schedule your workouts.

Set your me-time.

If you set aside a specific time each day that you dedicate to YOU and your workout, you will be more likely to get your workout done.

Whether you prefer to workout in the morning or evening, schedule it, commit to it, and get it done and feel great.

4. Accountability is Key.

Partner with a partner!

Whether it’s your spouse or significant other, a family member, or your best friend, TELL SOMEONE what you are doing. When you share your plan with a loved one, they will be able to support your new, healthy lifestyle by reiterating your goals and encouraging you to stick to them. Better yet, invite them to join in. Working out with a partner is 10 times more fun that working out alone!

5. Stay positive.

Remember why you started.


When in doubt, remind yourself of your ultimate goal and reinforce your “why.” Why did you start this journey, what results are you hoping to achieve? How amazing will it feel to finally reach your goal? Keep your “Why” in your back pocket the next time you feel like your falling off track to remind you why you started! Also, DITCH THE SCALE! Please do not base your success and self worth off of the number you see on the scale! You are worth so much more than that lousy imp says you are. I suggest using photos and measurements to more accurately track your progress!



USA; Loves puppies, sunshine & dark chocolate

For more health and fitness tips, follow me on Instagram @CardioLyvin

For information about my virtual 3 week fitness and nutrition boot camp and accountability support groups please message me at or email me

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