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Geek Love United

I fell in love with him over a Monty Python and the Holy Grail quote online. It wasn’t intentional. I saw a guy wearing armor who loved movies and Star Wars. His bio made me curious because it was not detailed, which left some mystery to his personality. He looked super nerdy with a foam sword in his hand. I did what I had told other women not to do and messaged him with my favorite quote from Monty Python.

A week later we were seeing each other for our first date. He had to meet my parents, since I was living with them after college. He didn’t care. We went to Long John Silvers and talked for five hours. My cheeks hurt from smiling and laughing at his jokes. My voice was sore and I still had to work at the call center, but I didn’t want to leave him. He sensed my feelings and made sure to set up our next date before he dropped me off. He then sealed my fate with a kiss.

In the past seven years between meeting and marrying, we have geeked out at comicons, bonded over more crazy movies, and expanded our love of renaissance festivals. We have moved and added a new kitty to our family. We have survived a miscarriage and infertility. Our lives have changed from my car accident, which made walking almost impossible for me. He has helped me through publishing my first novel. I helped him find work when he lost his job.

Through all the challenges we have faced, I never have stopped laughing at his jokes or loving his sarcastic sense of humor. He has pushed me to accomplish my goals without worry of failing, because he would be there to pick me up. I give him the strength to push through the tough times because I rely on him. His focus is to live life to the fullest with me by his side and I intend to do the same.

We fell in love over a movie, but are now each other’s best friend and companion in life. Even through our trials and tribulations, we have held on to each other and our faith in God to get us to the other side. I know it sounds like a Nicholas Sparks plot, but all of what I have experienced is the true testament to the power of love in every form possible. He is mine and I am his, ‘til death do us part.


Samantha Fidler-Newby is from Guildford, Missouri. She is a wordsmith who loves to create places and characters. Currently, she is going to school for a Masters in Applied Arts in Technical Communications at Missouri Western State University. When she is not working a full-time job or busy with school work, she knits, re-purposes furniture, and goes antiquing. She loves her husband, her family, and words. You can find her at: and

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